Austrian daredevil and skydiver Felix Baumgartner is well-known for his innovative achievements in extreme sports. One of the most well-known quotes ascribed to him sums up his attitude toward taking chances and exploring new territory.
Like a map with well-defined routes and unexplored areas, Baumgartner's approach to difficult tasks frequently combines certainty and uncertainty. According to him, there is always a sizable percentage of anything he does that can be thoroughly planned for, studied, practiced, and comprehended, like breaking records or pushing boundaries in extreme sports.
The remaining 10%, however, stands for the unpredictabilities that are impossible to completely predict. Unexpected weather, equipment malfunctions, or individual factors like abrupt shifts in one's physical or mental state could all fall under this category. Despite these doubts, Baumgartner is able to meet the challenge head-on because he is confident in his preparation.
This way of thinking offers a fair assessment of taking chances and succeeding. In addition to acknowledging that careful preparation and diligence can lessen uncertainty, it also recognizes that any major endeavor carries some degree of unpredictability. Baumgartner is aware that there will always be factors outside of his control, just as an explorer cannot fully plan out every aspect before setting out into the unknown.
The life of Felix Baumgartner serves as evidence of this perspective. His most well-known accomplishment was the Red Bull Stratos mission, in which he skydived from the edge of space in 2012 and set several world records. This occasion brought to light the painstaking planning and preparation required as well as the unforeseen difficulties encountered while accomplishing such an extraordinary feat.
Essentially, Baumgartner's assertion promotes an attitude that respects thoroughness while acknowledging that unexpected situations will inevitably arise. It acts as a reminder to approach lofty goals with flexibility and readiness.