Quotes Meaning

"All the characters in ‘Rang Rasiya’ are inspired from the Shakespearean drama ‘Othello.’ This is exactly what interested me to take up this role."

- Ashish Sharma

Indian actor and director Ashish Sharma frequently talks about his love of theater and how it relates to his appreciation of classic literature like William Shakespeare's. He recently spoke about a project called "Rang Rasiya," which draws heavily from the well-known play "Othello."

According to Sharma, every character in this production is influenced by aspects of "Othello," so it has been an interesting experience for him as an actor to investigate these relationships. Sharma creates something new yet familiar by fusing Shakespeare's characters with Indian cultural quirks, much like a chef might combine ingredients from various cuisines to create a distinctive dish.

Sharma's allusion to this well-known play honors one of the greatest playwrights in history while also demonstrating how universal themes can be adapted for a variety of cultural contexts. This strategy emphasizes his conviction that great stories provide universal insights into human nature and relationships, transcending time and location.

Sharma's work on "Rang Rasiya," for example, shows how a thorough comprehension of classic literature can influence modern performance and storytelling. His artistic approach exemplifies how other artists can look beyond their immediate cultural context and draw inspiration from the diverse body of literature from around the world.
